Saturday, June 2, 2007

Pub crawl...

Hooray, it's not raining again. In the interests of publicising the ride locally and educating the boys we thought it would be a good idea to hack down to the local pub. Being very well organised(?) we even checked beforehand that there were people there. Everything was going beautifully. My daughter Kathy (or Izzy to some) volunteered to drive and meet us there, along with Ellie her sister, and Mickey.
So much for plans, she got there first and it was closed!
Having gone to the trouble of dressing up and frightening the pants off Rash with the voluminous skirt we decided to carry on regardless. The boys were as good as gold on the way to the pub, even when a bus passed us at close quarters (ok, Rash sat down, but you couldn't blame him really). Sure enough the pub was still closed so we took a snap decision to carry on to the next one. Rather more education than we initially had in mind, but good experience all the same.

We took a route neither of the boys had ever seen before, passing an assortment of horses, flappy fencing, machinery and general junk... so far so good. Got a steady canter going (yes, I was hanging onto Rash's head, there's no way he was getting a chance to buck with that skirt!).
No major incidents, we met some very helpful walkers who redirected us to the pub when we were at a loss, and very thirsty. Some lovely views on the way.
The boys attracted a fair amount of attention when we got to the pub, particularly from small girls. Not sure what they made of us...
We called into the previously closed pub on the way back, where we met a troupe of Morris dancers and a nice lady gave us £4. The boys got a little over excited so we deposited them in the horse park 'round the back.
Hello to anyone we met today, and thanks to those people who gave or promised us sponsorship.

Anyone who would like to give us money but doesn't know how, please email me at

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