Sunday, May 13, 2007

More *@$$%* rain!

Yes, it's STILL raining in sunny Suffolk. Will soon be needing an amphibious vehicle to get to the yard. Ryscheyed got a day off today, being an Arab he doesn't seem quite so prone to lard. Paddy on the other hand is noticeably tubby, so no rest for him. Foolishly I moved the boy's fence back before catching (attempting to catch?) him, but we got there in the end. Had a good hack with a decent bit of gallop now that the tracks aren't like concrete. It was a good experience for him as we met horses (very alarming!) pigs (smell and noise but none visible) black sheep with BIG horns, and finally cattle. Apart from a bit of snorting he was pretty good about it all. I really must repair the hole in my chaps though, got a big soggy patch. Mind you, pretty much all of me is a soggy patch. All go tomorrow, farrier and vet for teeth and tetanus.

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