Tuesday, June 12, 2007

One of those days.

Having just got back from Ireland, where we had a week of scorching weather....yes, I am obsessed, I was all ready to carry on as usual. Paddy in particular is nowhere near fit (apparently he's lost the will to play up after the exertions of the pub crawl). No such luck. It seems that we no longer have a lorry as it has spontaneously(?) disintegrated, so much of today has been spent sucking up, hinting and pleading with anyone we know who might be able to lend us one. No luck so far, but we haven't tried everyone and we live in hope. It seem everyone is very busy with shows that week. BIG HINT!!! If anyone has a lorry please please please get in touch?
Just in case the lorry disaster wasn't enough, we simply cannot find anywhere for the horses on the night of the 18th. We will be in the Watlington area, and despite what the guidebooks say there is no grazing or stabling to be found....at least not by us. ANOTHER BIG HINT: Does anyone out there know of a smallish patch of grass where we can park the boys? We don't need a big field and will bring our own electric fence if necessary. HELP? if we can't find somewhere we will have to do 40 miles in one day!

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