Sunday, June 3, 2007

That ****** dress.

We plan to go for a short hack today, just to loosen Paddy and Rash up after yesterday's exertions. A couple of very inviting tracks got them properly steamed up, so sedateness today. I will NOT be wearing the dress (what Shell does is up to her)...The faster we went yesterday, the lower the dress got, to the point where it had descended to my waist, with the added bonus of trapping my arms. Fortunately I wore a vest (the world just isn't ready for that view).. Shell's dress is far more sensible, having a shoulder strap, and she has something to hold it up with. Alterations (my dress is also about 9 inches too long, fits me like a sack... see pics below) and straps will be happening very soon. We will both also be having split up the front of the skirts for ease of mounting and dismounting...... and not having acres of fabric bunched up in front of us.

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