Sunday, June 17, 2007

Personal trainer?

This is Paddy's new personal trainer.... My husband Alex. As Shell was busy with it being Father's day I persuaded him (against his better judgement) to come out with us on his beloved bike. Much to his surprise nothing horrible happened. Having someone to open gates is very handy, he was also useful for exploring the more unlikely (overgrown) looking bits of bridleway and rescuing a small dog from Paddy's wrath (Pads really HATES having his heels snapped at). He couldn't understand what all the fuss about Pad's reputation as a fire breathing, snorting, prancing performance artist was all about.... until we met some strange horses! He certainly got out of the way quickly, falling off his bike in the process (twice). Pads seemed to think he was another horse, didn't want to be separated from him, to the point where he was so close Alex was being shoved into the ditch. They are now best friends.
No news on the lorry yet :-(

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